Oh when the weasel goes MARCHing in! / by Sam Hart

Welcome to the March blog post!

If only it were a festival...

If only it were a festival...


As the keen-eyed will have noticed, The Planet of Doom now has it's full roster, with the announcement of Ufomammut, giving us the full line up of bands (above) and artists (bellow). Keep your beady eyes peeled for upcoming announcements on the progress of the film over on the PoD Facebook page.

Following on from feedback from a few people we will be trying to post out merch orders in a more organised way. Starting this month, orders will now be shipped weekly every Saturday. Hopefully this will mean more reliable shipping expectations and less time stood in post office queues while Grandma tries to feed her Tesco into the self service machine...

Following on with more merch news, we'd like to extend a massive thanks to everyone who's bought something during our spring sale, you've all helped pay off the bill for this website so we can post more boring blog posts! If you still want to get in on the action, head over to our store page now and enter the promo codes 'CHICKEN' or 'EGG' at checkout. We can confirm that CHICKEN is currently in the lead!

These people make all that fancy art work on your favourite bands albums.

These people make all that fancy art work on your favourite bands albums.


No gigs for us in March but you can buy tickets now for our upcoming April show with STEAK and Ten Foot Wizard @ The Underworld over here

Our 'The Planet Of Doom' sneak peek still from Nightjar and David Paul Seymour

Our 'The Planet Of Doom' sneak peek still from Nightjar and David Paul Seymour

Last but not least..

We would like to invite all of our fans to extend a warm welcome, onto this earthly plane, to Nell Robinson Townley. Dubiously dubbed our new no.1 fan she arrived on the 7th of February and both her and mum are doing well. Dad on the other hand is becoming a pain in the arse...