Cirque De Buffoon Tour Diary - Day 4
Once again we’ve stolen a page from a man with a troubled mind. Lets find out what’s been occurring in the world of Jimmy ‘Mad Dog’ Slootos.
Dear Diary,
I’m having a grand old time in Swissland. I’ll be sad to see it go, it’s become almost a second Chown for me. I wont be sad to see the back of Pete though. He’s been ever so mean again. We walked up a mountain and he made me carry all of his cans up with me. I didn’t mind it that much but I thought the rocks he was kicking at me head was a bit much like. I settled into me rhythm with the lads, drinking’s great craic. The pint man was at bay yesterday because we were all drinking mummy juice, or as the guys call it ‘wine’. I’d better be off because there’s not long left ‘till we’re Germany bound and I want to spend a bit of time looking for a fountain to wash me grundies in.
Tara tara,
Jinneny Slütz